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July 26 2023
Okay, this week’s article is going to be a little different. Honestly, I just want to complain for a few minutes
July 18 2023
I have often felt there was an invisible wall between the beef and dairy industries, preventing them from communicating or learning from each other
July 10 2023
As you are reading this, I will be in Madison, Wis., attending the Junior National Hereford Expo (JNHE)
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June 30 2023
One of the coolest aspects of being part of a dairy farm is walking into a store — whether it’s a retailer or an on-farm shop — and seeing your milk bottled or made into other dairy products...
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June 20 2023
I’ve been in a weird situation lately where I want to do more than I can
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June 7 2023
One of the most interesting ways we at Hoard’s Dairyman are able to connect with our readers and the dairy community is when we receive visitors at our farm, which sits just outside of Fort Atkinson...
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May 16 2023
For the 93rd year, our office flooded with mail from around the country as dairy farmers, youth, companies, and enthusiasts sent in their placings in our annual Cow Judging Contest
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Oct. 31 2022
It can be so easy to get wrapped up caring for the “problem cows,” but our average animals also deserve attention and some true appreciation
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Oct. 18 2022
Getting out of our bubble gives us valuable perspective
Oct. 10 2022
Judge Pierre Boulet rushed across the colored shavings in dramatic fashion to select Oakfield Solom Footloose-ET as his Grand Champion of the International Holstein Show
Oct. 8 2022
The Holsteins swept the World Dairy Expo Supreme banners of the open show, while the Jerseys did the same in the Junior show
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Oct. 7 2022
“This is a cow you love the modern frame on,” said Judge Pat Lundy of Granville, N.Y., when he named Ms Ransom-Rail Beth-Red Grand Champion of the International Red and White Show on Thursday...
Junior Holstein GC WInner
Oct. 4 2022
To kick off the action in the showring at World Dairy Expo, the International Junior Holstein Show did not disappoint
Sept. 21 2022
Shedding our stereotypes of agriculture is the only way for consumers to recognize its value, too
Aug. 17 2022
Whether they meant to or not, previous generations of women working in agriculture serve as role models for today’s dairy industry
July 21 2022
Before we update the calf housing on our dairy, we want to be sure we are making the best choice for us and our animals
June 9 2022
“If you build it, they will come.” That line comes from the movie “Field of Dreams,” where a baseball diamond was constructed in the middle of an Iowa cornfield
June 6 2022
As the Hoard’s Dairyman editorial intern, I plan to further myself as an agricultural communicator by learning from those around me and continuing to explore the dairy industry and the people behind...
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April 18 2022
Young readers will soak up modern dairy farming in this new children’s book
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March 9 2022
As farmers, we hope for consumers to be open-minded enough to listen to what we have to say, but are we open-minded enough to listen to each other?